Use the search option below to search example sentences provided with permission by Mary Ann Corbiere. Further below you will find 100 randomly selected example sentences from Andrew Medler, which were graciously provided by Rand Valentine.
See below for 100 random sentences from Andrew Medler's material in Leonard Bloomfield's Eastern Ojibwa: Grammatical Sketch, Texts and Word List. The spelling system was updated by Rand Valentine, who graciously provided these sentences for display here (see also Weshki-Bmaadzijig Ji-Noondmowaad, which was edited by Rand Valentine). You can use them as a sample text to explore what the analyzer can do. I recommend using the "Fiero/Rhodes"-style analyzer on these sentences.
The sentences are first provided without translations for easy copy-pasting. Scroll down for a table with the sentences and their English translations.
1 | Mngadeyaa shkwaandem. |
2 | Nbiing dash nikeyaa gidaaki gii-bngishin. |
3 | Mgoos dash nwii-zhitoon. |
4 | Ngii-noondaan wii-bbaamaadziyan. |
5 | Endgwen wiidgemaagnan gaa-nokiin'gwen jiinaagwa. |
6 | Nwanj maanda gchi-doopwin, maanda nwanj gaachin. |
7 | Mandaagnini da-bi-yaa," gii-naawaan go niw weshki-bmaadzinjin pii mekdekenjin, "Mandaagnini da-bi-yaa. |
8 | Gego wiin gwa naa miizhshikaangen. |
9 | Mii dash bjibwag aw giigoonh. |
10 | N'gwaankwad, gnabaj da-gmiwan. |
11 | Aaniish endso-dbahganeg? |
12 | Memdage go zaasbaakdokejin aw Jibwe, mii iw pii giw Naadweswag widi gii-bi-zhaawaad maanpii nikekmig gii-bi-mkamaawaad niw zaasbaakdoken'jin iw sa ziisbaakdomni. |
13 | Kina dash gaa-giizhtood gegoo, mii dash miinwaa gii-naawngahang maa shkodeng waa-dzhi-mnodeg iw bkwezhgan. |
14 | Ndoozhtoon maanda record weshki-bmaadzijig ji-noondmowaad. |
15 | Mooshkne kik. |
16 | Dbishkoose da-maajaayang. |
17 | Nnanaamdabmi maa miizhshkoonskaag, nnoondwaanaanig dash bneshiinyag ngamwaad. |
18 | Gga-wii-daawmin gwepjigaans, baamaa nga-biidoon waabang. |
19 | Wegdagwen ge-ndawendmogwen wii-waabndang aw ge-bi-zhaad mii go maajii-temgak. |
20 | Gii-naan dash, Ddibew gii-ni-zhaa. |
21 | Mii iw mnik ekdoyaan. |
22 | Aapii dash giin gwiiwkwaan? |
23 | Mii dash gii-boozyaan, gaa-shkwaa-giishpnadood iw mzinhigan ge nii waa-ni-aabjitooyaan ji-bmidaabaan'goyaan shkode-daabaaning. |
24 | Gaa wii ndoo-giishkhanziin aapji gegoo. |
25 | Maaba bneshiinh ngamo. |
26 | Gye go gii-naawaan, Maanoo go yaan eko-gshkizyan maa biinjiiyhii. |
27 | Mii go giw Naadweswag gii-miigaazwaad mii maa gii-ni-mgwakmigwaawaad niw Naadweswan. |
28 | Gego wiin gwa naa miinaaken. |
29 | Naawyahii dash gii-mooshkmo maa yaanid niw zhiishiiban. |
30 | Gaa wii gii-yaawaasiiwaan dbahgiiswaanan zhaazhi go Nishnaabeg. |
31 | Mii dash gii-nshkaadzid maaba gchi-bne. |
32 | Miizhgon naa iw wiiwkwaan. |
33 | Kina gegoo ngii-mkaan sa gyak gii-yaag maa endaayaan. |
34 | Ngoding megwaa shkinwewyaan gii-bi-yaa aw Gchi-mookmaan bebaa-ndawaabmaad waa-gkinoohmaagzinjin. |
35 | Ge nii gwiwnan endzhi-zhichgaadeg ngii-zhiwnigoo. |
36 | Mnopgwad wiiyaas. |
37 | Jiigdahaan iw wiigwaam aw kwe. |
38 | Ndawaa gaa wii gga-biindaakwesiimi. |
39 | Mii dash gii-nkwetwid, Enh, megwaa ngiziibiignaanan. |
40 | Wegnesh ngwaji gaa-nji-zhaayan? |
41 | Gii-bkade. |
42 | Naapaanii dash datoon maa mtigo-naagning gye kina ezhi-dgonged. |
43 | Gii-gnjibhiwewag. |
44 | Gego wiikaa nsaaken aw en'goonh. |
45 | Ggii-zhichge na dash iw gaa-zhi-gkinoohmoonaan? |
46 | Pii ko gemwangin mii kwa gii-giiweyaang. |
47 | Aadsookaan giiwenh zhaazhi go Nenbozh gaa-zhinkaazod. |
48 | Miinwaa bezhig gii-giiskaan iw manjgoodenh, zaagdoodebtoo dash aw Nenbozh gye go gii-gnjibtwaadang niw mjigoodenyan. |
49 | Baamaa go naa wiindmawshikan. |
50 | Naangodnong niizh nde-bjibwaag jibwaa kina gnjibhiwewaad. |
51 | Ngoding giizhgak nini gii-bbaamaadzi widi giiwednong. |
52 | Wii-biiskaanaawaan ge wiinwaa niw Indian costume. |
53 | Ge-wii gwa dakkoon njigaawan. |
54 | Nbiish gii-toon kikong. |
55 | Biizh bezhgoognzhii. |
56 | Gyak zhiwebzi. |
57 | Gnawenim gbe-bboon. |
58 | Ngo-dbahgaans nwii-bbaa-nend. |
59 | Ngashi gii-bi-zhaa maa a-nbaayaan gii-bi-waabmid nembaawaanen. |
60 | Nzaaghaa aw kwe. |
61 | Eshkam dash ngii-nsitaan ge nii iw sa nokiiwin. |
62 | Gego biidooken ndabwi. |
63 | Gii-bkibdoonan ezaawaanig. |
64 | Mii dash iw gaa-nji-mwinewaawaad niw Naadweswan, manj go maanda sa ggiibaadzinid sa bbaa-mkandwenid iw ziisbaakod maanpii nikekmig. |
65 | Endgwen ge-naadmawgobnen. |
66 | Zhwenmishnaang dash debenminaang. |
67 | Ndasemaa nga-ni-yaawaa. |
68 | Waaboozoonh, wegne-sh wenji-zaawzideyan? |
69 | Ngamwag bneshiinyag. |
70 | Bezhig dash eta gii-biinaawaan. |
71 | Aw dash shkinwe gii-wiindmawaan iw gaa-naabndang waawaabmowin iw gaa-zhi-waawiindmawaad. |
72 | Aanind eta ngii-mkaanan. |
73 | E-ni-dbikak mii gii-noondwangdwaa Nimkiig, ge go gii-gchi-nimkiikaag. |
74 | Gkina ziibi gii-gbadin. |
75 | Ngii-mnwaabmewiz, niibwa ngii-nsaag giigoonyag. |
76 | Ngii-aateshkaan shkode. |
77 | Gii-waabmaan niibna niw zhiishiiban. |
78 | Zhooshkwaabkad sin. |
79 | Gdagaawaanaa na wii-biindaakweyan? |
80 | Gaa dash gnage gii-gshkibnaasiin, miinwaa gii-bi-niisaandwed. |
81 | Nii-nokiinan wii-nnaahchigaadeg. |
82 | Yaabzod ndayaawaa mshiimin. |
83 | Mii dash mno-mnik gaa-bgoghigewaad gii-zaagdoodebtood aw Nenbozh. |
84 | Maaba nini gii-giinwishki. |
85 | Nsing gii-mdwezge. |
86 | Gnimaa aw mdimooyenh gga-shamgonaan. |
87 | Pane biindig gii-yaa, ge go gii-wezhho kakzhe maa nowaang. |
88 | Aaniipiish ezhaad? |
89 | Wegne-sh wenji-niizhootwageyan? |
90 | Aapji gii-zegzi maaba ngashi. |
91 | Gego wiikaa shamaaken bezhgoognzhii. |
92 | Bezhig biidoon. |
93 | Mii dash bekaanak gii-wiiwjiinid. |
94 | Gegwa nsaaknangegon shkwaandem. |
95 | Ngoding dash ggizheb gii-bi-yaamgad iw order. |
96 | Gdimaagzi pane aw nini. |
97 | Yaa maampii noongwa. |
98 | Egaaj dash gii-nhishin gye niw mitgwaabiin gii-daapnaad. |
99 | Nsognagak da-bi-bskaabii aw kwe. |
100 | Noongo dash wenjda noongo mgwakmigsing niibna maa High_Bank_Walpole_Island gii-ngwahgaazwaad giw Naadweswag gaa-miigaazgobnenag iw pii. |
1 | Mngadeyaa shkwaandem. | The door is wide. |
2 | Nbiing dash nikeyaa gidaaki gii-bngishin. | Down he fell to the foot of the bluff. |
3 | Mgoos dash nwii-zhitoon. | Also, I am going to make an awl. |
4 | Ngii-noondaan wii-bbaamaadziyan. | I heard you were going on a journey. |
5 | Endgwen wiidgemaagnan gaa-nokiin'gwen jiinaagwa. | I wonder whether his wife worked yesterday. |
6 | Nwanj maanda gchi-doopwin, maanda nwanj gaachin. | This table is bigger, and this one is smaller. |
7 | Mandaagnini da-bi-yaa," gii-naawaan go niw weshki-bmaadzinjin pii mekdekenjin, "Mandaagnini da-bi-yaa. | "A fine gentleman will come," they would tell those young persons who were fasting, "A fine gentleman will come." |
8 | Gego wiin gwa naa miizhshikaangen. | Do not give it to us. |
9 | Mii dash bjibwag aw giigoonh. | Then I spear those fish. |
10 | N'gwaankwad, gnabaj da-gmiwan. | It is clouding over; maybe it is going to rain. |
11 | Aaniish endso-dbahganeg? | What time is it? |
12 | Memdage go zaasbaakdokejin aw Jibwe, mii iw pii giw Naadweswag widi gii-bi-zhaawaad maanpii nikekmig gii-bi-mkamaawaad niw zaasbaakdoken'jin iw sa ziisbaakdomni. | Especially when the Ojibwe were making sugar, that was when those Hurons would come over to this side of the water to rob the sugar makers of their sugar. |
13 | Kina dash gaa-giizhtood gegoo, mii dash miinwaa gii-naawngahang maa shkodeng waa-dzhi-mnodeg iw bkwezhgan. | When she had made ready all this, she shaped out the ashes of the fire to make a place in which to bake that bread. |
14 | Ndoozhtoon maanda record weshki-bmaadzijig ji-noondmowaad. | I am making this record so that the young people may hear it. |
15 | Mooshkne kik. | The kettle is full. |
16 | Dbishkoose da-maajaayang. | It is time for us (inc.) to leave. |
17 | Nnanaamdabmi maa miizhshkoonskaag, nnoondwaanaanig dash bneshiinyag ngamwaad. | We (exc.) sat a while there in the grass, and we heard the birds singing. |
18 | Gga-wii-daawmin gwepjigaans, baamaa nga-biidoon waabang. | I want to borrow your hammer; I will bring it back tomorrow. |
19 | Wegdagwen ge-ndawendmogwen wii-waabndang aw ge-bi-zhaad mii go maajii-temgak. | Whatever the visitor might want to see will be there. |
20 | Gii-naan dash, Ddibew gii-ni-zhaa. | He told her, "Along the river he went from here." |
21 | Mii iw mnik ekdoyaan. | That is as much as I have to say. |
22 | Aapii dash giin gwiiwkwaan? | And you, where is your hat? |
23 | Mii dash gii-boozyaan, gaa-shkwaa-giishpnadood iw mzinhigan ge nii waa-ni-aabjitooyaan ji-bmidaabaan'goyaan shkode-daabaaning. | I boarded the train, that is, after he had bought the ticket which I was to use when I travelled on the train. |
24 | Gaa wii ndoo-giishkhanziin aapji gegoo. | I do not cut down anything at all, |
25 | Maaba bneshiinh ngamo. | This bird sings. |
26 | Gye go gii-naawaan, Maanoo go yaan eko-gshkizyan maa biinjiiyhii. | They said to him, "Stay inside there [a sweat lodge] as long as you can endure." |
27 | Mii go giw Naadweswag gii-miigaazwaad mii maa gii-ni-mgwakmigwaawaad niw Naadweswan. | Those Hurons when they fought, it was there that they buried the Hurons in grave mounds. |
28 | Gego wiin gwa naa miinaaken. | Do not give it to him, of all people. |
29 | Naawyahii dash gii-mooshkmo maa yaanid niw zhiishiiban. | He came up from under water right in the midst of those ducks. |
30 | Gaa wii gii-yaawaasiiwaan dbahgiiswaanan zhaazhi go Nishnaabeg. | The Indians of old had no clocks or watches. |
31 | Mii dash gii-nshkaadzid maaba gchi-bne. | Then that big partridge was angry. |
32 | Miizhgon naa iw wiiwkwaan. | Do (ye) give him his hat! |
33 | Kina gegoo ngii-mkaan sa gyak gii-yaag maa endaayaan. | I found everything in good shape at my house. |
34 | Ngoding megwaa shkinwewyaan gii-bi-yaa aw Gchi-mookmaan bebaa-ndawaabmaad waa-gkinoohmaagzinjin. | At one time, when I was a young boy, there came that white American who went about looking for those who wanted to attend school. |
35 | Ge nii gwiwnan endzhi-zhichgaadeg ngii-zhiwnigoo. | As for me, I was taken to the place where clothes were made. |
36 | Mnopgwad wiiyaas. | The meat smells good. |
37 | Jiigdahaan iw wiigwaam aw kwe. | That woman is sweeping out that house. |
38 | Ndawaa gaa wii gga-biindaakwesiimi. | We (inc.) shall have to refrain from smoking. |
39 | Mii dash gii-nkwetwid, Enh, megwaa ngiziibiignaanan. | Then she answered me, "Yes I'm just now washing it". |
40 | Wegnesh ngwaji gaa-nji-zhaayan? | Why did you go off somewhere? |
41 | Gii-bkade. | He was hungry. |
42 | Naapaanii dash datoon maa mtigo-naagning gye kina ezhi-dgonged. | She has put flour in the wooden bowl and all the things that she mixes with it. |
43 | Gii-gnjibhiwewag. | They have run away. |
44 | Gego wiikaa nsaaken aw en'goonh. | Don't ever kill ants. |
45 | Ggii-zhichge na dash iw gaa-zhi-gkinoohmoonaan? | "Did you do the way I taught you?" |
46 | Pii ko gemwangin mii kwa gii-giiweyaang. | Whenever it rained we (exc.) went home. |
47 | Aadsookaan giiwenh zhaazhi go Nenbozh gaa-zhinkaazod. | This Sacred Story is about him long ago who was called Nenabush. |
48 | Miinwaa bezhig gii-giiskaan iw manjgoodenh, zaagdoodebtoo dash aw Nenbozh gye go gii-gnjibtwaadang niw mjigoodenyan. | The other one took off her skirt; out ran that Nenabush on all fours and carried off those skirts as he fled. |
49 | Baamaa go naa wiindmawshikan. | Tell me about it later on. |
50 | Naangodnong niizh nde-bjibwaag jibwaa kina gnjibhiwewaad. | Sometimes I manage to spear two of them before they all get away. |
51 | Ngoding giizhgak nini gii-bbaamaadzi widi giiwednong. | Once a man was travelling in the North. |
52 | Wii-biiskaanaawaan ge wiinwaa niw Indian costume. | They too will put on Indian costumes. |
53 | Ge-wii gwa dakkoon njigaawan. | Her kettle is leaking too. |
54 | Nbiish gii-toon kikong. | She put some water in the kettle. |
55 | Biizh bezhgoognzhii. | Bring the horse. |
56 | Gyak zhiwebzi. | He behaves well |
57 | Gnawenim gbe-bboon. | Take care of him through the winter. |
58 | Ngo-dbahgaans nwii-bbaa-nend. | I will be gone one hour. |
59 | Ngashi gii-bi-zhaa maa a-nbaayaan gii-bi-waabmid nembaawaanen. | My mother came to where I was sleeping to see whether I was asleep. |
60 | Nzaaghaa aw kwe. | I love that woman. |
61 | Eshkam dash ngii-nsitaan ge nii iw sa nokiiwin. | Gradually I came to understand that work. |
62 | Gego biidooken ndabwi. | Do not bring my paddle. |
63 | Gii-bkibdoonan ezaawaanig. | She picked yellow ones. |
64 | Mii dash iw gaa-nji-mwinewaawaad niw Naadweswan, manj go maanda sa ggiibaadzinid sa bbaa-mkandwenid iw ziisbaakod maanpii nikekmig. | That was why they would attack the Hurons and kill many of them, seeing how troublesome they were, going about robbbing people of sugar here on this side of the water. |
65 | Endgwen ge-naadmawgobnen. | I wonder whether he would have helped me. |
66 | Zhwenmishnaang dash debenminaang. | Have Thou pity on us now Who art Lord of us all. |
67 | Ndasemaa nga-ni-yaawaa. | I shall take my tobacco with me. |
68 | Waaboozoonh, wegne-sh wenji-zaawzideyan? | "Rabbit, why have you brown feet?" |
69 | Ngamwag bneshiinyag. | The birds are singing. |
70 | Bezhig dash eta gii-biinaawaan. | Only one they brought back with them. |
71 | Aw dash shkinwe gii-wiindmawaan iw gaa-naabndang waawaabmowin iw gaa-zhi-waawiindmawaad. | Then the young man told him that he had seen the vision of a mirror, for that was what he called it. |
72 | Aanind eta ngii-mkaanan. | I found only some few of them. |
73 | E-ni-dbikak mii gii-noondwangdwaa Nimkiig, ge go gii-gchi-nimkiikaag. | When night came we heard the Thunders, and there was a great thunderstorm. |
74 | Gkina ziibi gii-gbadin. | The river is all frozen over. |
75 | Ngii-mnwaabmewiz, niibwa ngii-nsaag giigoonyag. | I have had good luck; I have caught (killed) lots of fish. |
76 | Ngii-aateshkaan shkode. | I stamped out the fire. |
77 | Gii-waabmaan niibna niw zhiishiiban. | He saw many ducks. |
78 | Zhooshkwaabkad sin. | The rock is smooth. |
79 | Gdagaawaanaa na wii-biindaakweyan? | Are you hankering for tobacco to smoke? |
80 | Gaa dash gnage gii-gshkibnaasiin, miinwaa gii-bi-niisaandwed. | But he could not pull it [a tree] loose at all, so he climbed down again. |
81 | Nii-nokiinan wii-nnaahchigaadeg. | I am going to have the things repaired. |
82 | Yaabzod ndayaawaa mshiimin. | I have a ripe apple. |
83 | Mii dash mno-mnik gaa-bgoghigewaad gii-zaagdoodebtood aw Nenbozh. | And then, when they had chopped a big enough opening, that Nenabush came running out on all fours. |
84 | Maaba nini gii-giinwishki. | This man has told a lie. |
85 | Nsing gii-mdwezge. | He shot three times. |
86 | Gnimaa aw mdimooyenh gga-shamgonaan. | Maybe that old woman will feed us. |
87 | Pane biindig gii-yaa, ge go gii-wezhho kakzhe maa nowaang. | He always stayed in the hut, and he painted his cheeks with charcoal. |
88 | Aaniipiish ezhaad? | Where is he going? |
89 | Wegne-sh wenji-niizhootwageyan? | "Why have you two ears?" |
90 | Aapji gii-zegzi maaba ngashi. | My mother was badly frightenend. |
91 | Gego wiikaa shamaaken bezhgoognzhii. | Do not ever feed the horse. |
92 | Bezhig biidoon. | Bring one of them. |
93 | Mii dash bekaanak gii-wiiwjiinid. | Then she wrapped me in something else. |
94 | Gegwa nsaaknangegon shkwaandem. | Don't (you pl.) open the door! |
95 | Ngoding dash ggizheb gii-bi-yaamgad iw order. | Then one morning there came an order. |
96 | Gdimaagzi pane aw nini. | That man is always in want. |
97 | Yaa maampii noongwa. | He is here today. |
98 | Egaaj dash gii-nhishin gye niw mitgwaabiin gii-daapnaad. | Slowly he adjusted himself as he lay and picked up his bow. |
99 | Nsognagak da-bi-bskaabii aw kwe. | In three days that woman will be back. |
100 | Noongo dash wenjda noongo mgwakmigsing niibna maa High_Bank_Walpole_Island gii-ngwahgaazwaad giw Naadweswag gaa-miigaazgobnenag iw pii. | Today truly there are grave mounds there on High Bank Walpole Island where the Hurons are buried who fought long ago. |
Last updated: 11/21/2024